Thursday 5 April 2018

Counter strike pc full size download




It is hard to match the appeal, influence and legacy of the first Counter-Strike game! Counter-Strike helped popularize their first-person shooter genre – it is, after all, a classic. Starting as a mode for Half-Life, Counter-Strike soon took on a life of its own. It has become so popular that it is now even played professionally in specialized tournaments.
Much of its appeal comes from the basic setting: terrorists fighting counter-terrorist units in a series of mission rounds, allowing the player to choose which side to be on. This means you can be either rescuing hostages or keeping them under your control, escorting VIPs or abducting them, or placing or defusing bombs – the choice is yours! Missions are won either by fulfilling the mission goals or by eliminating all members of the opposing team. What’s more, the stakes are very high on each round: if your character dies on that round, it’s game over. You don’t get injured and then get healthier and respawn. You’re dead! That is until, of course, the round is over and it’s time to start another one. Many skills are essential to survive and thrive in the Counter-Strike world: skill, tactical intelligence, and quick reflexes, to name a few. This game is highly recommended for all those who enjoy a good, challenging first person shooter.

Software Review

Classic and engaging FPS game series

Counter-Strike is a widely-known and critically-acclaimed series of first-person shooter video games. One of the pioneers in first-person shooters, the original Counter-Strike helped establish this genre as one of the most popular in the world. In the Counter-Strike games, the player has two options: joining a terrorist team or a counter-terrorist team. The game is organized by rounds, and in each of these rounds, the player must defeat the opposing team, either by successfully carrying out the mission objectives or by eliminating all members of the opposing team. Typically, missions involve placing or defusing bombs, escort missions, and hostage taking or rescue. There are different character types the player can choose from, and players have the ability to buy and customize equipment before each mission. 
The Counter-Strike series has had several different versions: Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Source, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, and Counter-Strike Global Offensive. Spin-off games have also been made: Counter-Strike Neo and Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies, as well as a Counter-Strike online series, available in several Asian countries. The Counter-Strike games are available on several platforms, including Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, Xbox and Xbox 360. 
Throughout the years, Counter-Strike has remained very popular, and is now even played professionally in specialized tournaments.      

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